
Sorry would have saved me the trip

Sorry would have saved me the trip is the result of a lost love. When Thomas Vandenberghe received a break-up letter from his girlfriend in 2011, he made a little book of photographs – his reply to the letter, but in images. Six years later, the photographer reviewed, reworked and added to his selection. The story in pictures shows how Vandenberghe tried to deal with the break-up, how he tried to escape his sorrow, and how those around him helped. Six people took him to six different spots. Sorry would have saved me the trip is about a journey everyone has to make at some time or another to rediscover themselves. It never became a complete response to the farewell letter.

Photographer(s): Text:
Thomas Vandenberghe
Format: Pages:
24 x 17 cm 48
Design: Images:
Dylan Van Elewyck / Vandenberghe Thomas 22
Publisher: Binding:
Printer: Printing:
Graphius Ghent Offset
Date: Edition:
November 2017 200